Kaleidoskop V
13 days ago
on the left side of the water source...
40th anniversary of artistic work
Catalogue pdf
The name of the city of Sopot comes from a rustling brook. There are fourteen streams in Sopot, which flow in secret under the city. Currently, only a few are visible, flowing freely in a fast flow. One of them, the Karlikowski Stream in the Świemirowska Valley, falls out rapidly from under the street with a mini waterfall and flows into a pond. The surface of its water constantly reflects images changing like in a kaleidoscope. They surprise and fascinate at different times of the day and at night, when the lights of the city lamps are reflected in the water. These magical moving images, like the views of Mount Fuji by Katsushiki Hokusai, the creator of "images of the floating world", are a pretext for artistic play with the imagination.
Kaleidoscope VII